Now that the kids are heading back to school you'll have more time to read! Here is a selection of the books on offer all through the month of August! Get your read on!

Even the most powerful psychic in the world has her blind spots.
$2.99 or read Free with Kindle Unlimited

One wrong step. One unbreakable Rule. One fading hope.
$0.99 Available at all book retailers!

Darkness lies in the most heavenly places.
$3.99 Available at all book retailers!

Survival is a deadly game that Mira refuses to lose!
$2.99 Available at all book retailers!

Starry Nights KU Bundle
Are you in the Kindle Unlimited Program? Check out these featured reads. Just click the link to see what's on offer this month.
Get these books fast! This promotion ends August 30th!

Romance Advanced Review Copies. Free books in exchange for reviews!
Get these books fast! This promotion ends August 30th!

ALL GENRES: Damsels Who Cause Distress: Female Characters Who Solve Their Own Problems.
Check out these amazing offerings. Just click the link to see what's on offer this month.
Get these books fast! This promotion ends September 15th!