This book could not have made it to the finals without you! Thank you so much, dear readers! I've always said that you are the reason I keep writing, and by showing your love and voting for A Weapon of Magical Destruction to make it to the finals of this prestigious award, you have given me the motivation I need to keep on going forward with Sage's story! Book 4 will be coming soon!
So, what happens next?
According to the email I got:
Fingers crossed until October!!!
But, while I wait on that news, I have some news for you. You might have noticed that in the last few months I have been using StoryOrigin as my exclusive sales participation channel. Its been an awesome way to gain new readers, share some series starters, and spread the love of other authors and their books. Well, StoryOrigin just rolled out a new service that I am super excited to try.
My longtime readers know that every September I open up the Read To Review list. One month, unlimited books on my backlist, read everything I have available as long as you leave a review. Now, thanks to StoryOrigin, I can open up the read to review program earlier and possibly keep it open longer. The hard part for me is keeping up with lists, but now, StoryOrigin gives me the potential to take the work load off and still make my books available so I know who checked out what and if they have turned in their review.
I'm starting small, just the ASSET series for now. This is the testing phase. If all goes well, more books will be added until my entire backlist has been loaded to the site. So, if you've been waiting to read A Weapon of Magical Destruction and want to snag that copy now, in exchange for a review (which I desperately need) just click below to get on my new Read to Review list!