The clock is ticking. Release day will be here soon. For an author this is a terrifying time. Making sure we have done all we can on our end to present a thrilling story is our job, but until those reviews come in, we have no clue if we truly hit the mark. Editors have had their run at the manuscript. The cover art has been finalized. The formatter has created the ebook and print files. It's the calm now before the storm that becomes truly terrifying. I'm basically holding my breath now, anxiously waiting on any news about the book.
This week ARCs went out for those who signed up. For those who do not know, an ARC is an Advanced Review Copy. If you've ever seen a book out on preorder and wondered how they already have reviews for it, its because of ARCs. Those are sent to people who want to review the book before it is released so that the book shines on release day with all those glittering reviews. All those reviews help new readers who might be looking to buy.
They are super important!!! I cannot stress that enough!
I'll post the link again for you if you're still interested. I believe there are a few open spots left.
Here's that link for signup.
If you signed up and have not received yours, please let me know. I am not sending these directly, but I will make sure all inquiries are forwarded to my awesome coordinator, Jen. We want to make this process as smooth as possible.
So now that we're in the calm before the storm, what's an author to do?
Well, for me, it means starting up a new writing project. And I'm already hard a work at that. More details on that when I have them.
So for now, it is sit back and bite my nails time until release day.
For you, there is still plenty of time to grab your preorder (so you can be the first to read it when it goes live!)
And remember to send in your pre-order confirmation to
to get your free ebook reward!
And if you're looking for something to read in the mean time, may I suggest a few books from some of my friends?
What if your whole life has been a lie?
Cora's Hollow is under threat of social disruption. The signs are written all over the buildings and the faces of its people.
The Fae have been pushed into hiding. Fear of magic has been the strongest propaganda tool offered by the human government. Whether or not the people believe is of little importance. A divided public is the easiest public to control.
Follow the story of a Freedom Fighter, a Bartender, and a Veteran as they discover their love for one another and fight against the endemic social war with little hope to survive.
In the
war against demons, Evie’s father stands against all things supernatural,
including the Surmata, a race of beings that want to coexist with humans while
they wage their own war against the demonic race. Raised in the Resistance,
Evie struggles to stay true to herself and not fall under her father’s
everyone around her a possible spy for her father, Evie’s sole relief from camp
life comes from her best friend Maximilian. When he introduces her to his
friends outside of the Resistance, Evie discovers a whole new world and
possibly a place to belong.
forces inside the camp are determined to keep Evie in her place, even if it
means destroying who she is.