Man, what a year 2016 has been. A true roller coaster ride that has yet to let anyone off before they have lost their lunch, am I right?
In the book world, 2016 saw the release of three new titles under the Katie Salidas name.
Curious Little Werewolf
Fearless Little Werewolf
I've been lucky enough to participate in some really amazing boxed sets under both Katie Salidas and my pen name Rozlyn Sparks
Wicked Winter
Magic and Mistletoe
Supernatural Six
Beyond Secret Worlds
Alpha Fever
Alpha Heat
And I am excited to report that Spilling Ink, my weekly Indie Author talk show
(which was started earlier this year)
is steadily gaining followers.

We're right about at 100 followers now and growing!!
It's been a very busy publishing year and much to my kids dismay, that meant mommy spent a lot of time in the office. Working from home with three kids (two of which are still preschool age) is a challenge. Finding a balance between keeping them entertained, and making sure I hit deadlines has kept me up late each night and rising with the sun every morning. Copious amounts of caffeine have been the only thing keeping me from crashing. This was also the first year I traveled for book events, often being away for 5 or more days at a time, and my littlest child cried every time I left home. Even now when I say I am "going to work," (doing a local book signing or festival) she begs me to come right home.
Despite the circles under my eyes or the fact that lack of sleep has turned my brain to mush, I am thankful every day for the opportunity to work from home.
And I am most thankful for you readers!
In my last newsletter, I talked about how honored I was to be counted among those whom I consider to be A-listers in the indie market. After that email went out many of you responded back with notes telling me how much you enjoyed my books and felt I was A-list quality as well.
Those compliments truly made my day!
And knowing how much you enjoy my work spurs me on to continue working to the wee hours of the morning to get the next books written. I want to make you all proud.
So, along with my wishes to you for a Happy Holiday, I want you to know how much I cherish you all for reading my work.
2017 is going to be an even more awesome Book Year.
I promise!