I know Katie from another publishing company and from a
mutual friend that has saved my butt on many times. I'm awfully thankful for
the ability to guest post on her blog and I hope I can return the favor in the future.
But enough of sending sunshine in places that sunshine doesn't naturally go, on
with the news about my latest and greatest creation!
Imagine fields filled with wheat and corn. Orchards full of
trees laden with bananas, almonds, oranges, apples, and more. Ranches with tens
of thousands of cattle. All of it raised and harvested in the oldest of human
professions— farming for the sake of providing for the human race.
For a small group of kids on the terraformed planet of
Venus, that's exactly what life is like. They were born there and they grew up
there, knowing what it was to put in a hard day's work and feeling the
satisfaction that comes from reaping the fruit of their labors at the end of
the day. And for most of them, unfortunately, will die there.
A wind of change is blowing and it brought with it an army
of soldiers and war machines. A revolution, long brewed in secrecy, is laying
waste to humanity to set things right. Or as right as their leader, the newly
elected President Ondalla, believes things should be.
For the kids investigating the strange noises in the forests
of Venus, only death or capture awaits. Two of those kids, anxious to explore a
life of their own in a budding relationship, are stripped apart and forced to
live different lives. For them the only option is the futile act of resistance
or accepting fate and turning their backs on what happened to their family and
Following in the wake of some amazing dystopian science
fiction like The Hunger Games and Divergent comes my latest series:
Transcendent. Transcendent is set to fill in the holes and take the reader to a
new future with new possibilities. Tragic romance, intrigue, action and
adventure, and even some giant robots make for a coming of age story that
cannot be denied.
It's available on Amazon
and Smashwords right
now, with more to come in the very near future. Get your copy before your
friends start talking about it and leave you wondering what you're missing.
To learn more about Jason Halstead visit his website to
read about him, sign up for his
newsletter, or check out some free samples of his books at http://www.booksbyjason.com.