About The Author

Katie Salidas is a USA Today bestselling author and RONE award winner known for her unique genre-blending style.

Since 2010 she's penned five bestselling book series: the Immortalis, Olde Town Pack, Little Werewolf, Chronicles of the Uprising, and the all-new Agents of A.S.S.E.T. series. As her not-so-secret alter ego, Rozlyn Sparks, she is a USA Today bestselling author of romance with a naughty side.

In her spare time Katie also produces and hosts a YouTube talk show; Spilling Ink. She also has a regular column on First Comics News where she explores writing from a nerdy perspective.

You Need To Read This Book!!! Legacy of Blood by J.L. McCoy

Title: Legacy of Blood
Author: J.L. McCoy
Series: Skye Morrison Vampire Series (#4)
Genre: Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Self Published
Release Date: Feb 16 2013
Edition/Formats Available In: E~Book & Print

K.S.  Hello and welcome to the blog. I am very excited to have you here. Why don’t we start off with a small introduction? Tell us a little about yourself. 
My name is Jennifer and I live in the suburbs just outside of Austin, Texas with my opinionated Pekiweenie Isabel and handsome husband Kenny.  I’m a total music and book nerd and I can always be found in my office crunching on ice, jamming to a wide variety of 70s, 80s, and 90s music, and working my tail off on my next book.  When I’m not working, I like to travel, watch movies, sing karaoke, go to concerts, and read (of course).

K.S.  Any interesting writing quirks or stories you would like to share with my readers?
I have a serious addiction to ice and have to have a cup full of it by me when I write.   Sonic ice is the best!

K.S.  When did you realize you wanted to be a writer? What sparked the desire to pen your first novel?
I didn’t have one of those ‘Aha’ moments that a lot of authors have.  To be honest, my mother had been bugging me for about a year prior to write a book. She knew I was a serious reader and thought I’d make a good writer. So, I tried it out and found that I absolutely loved it. I haven’t looked back since.

K.S.  What genre do you write?
Adult Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance

K.S.  What would you say has inspired you most in your writing career? Or, who is your favorite author and why?
Music is my inspiration when I write.  I can’t tell you how many scenes I’ve written as a direct result of a song.  I love how music makes the muses dance.

K.S.  What does your family think of your writing?
My family has been really supportive.  My mother and father are my biggest cheerleaders.  Just this morning, my mother sent me a text message saying how proud of me she was and that she had been bragging about me at her work.  It’s really sweet and I feel incredibly blessed to have the support I do.

K.S.  What was one of the most surprising things you learned while creating your book/s?
The most surprising was that I could even write a book.  I didn’t really know that I had it in me.  Finishing Blood of the Son (SMVS, #1) was the best feeling in the world.

K.S.  What inspires you?
Music, life, love, anger, happiness, art…   I find inspiration at the weirdest times/places.

K.S.  Can you tell us a little about any of your novels?
My latest novel is Legacy of Blood (Skye Morrison Vampire Series, #4) and it follows Skye’s adventure as she adjusts to her new ‘condition’.
Skye Morrison begged for death. Fortunately, someone didn't listen.

Skye awakens to discover she has been irrevocably changed and the unprecedented circumstances of her rebirth have now created a new threat to her very existence. Sired by both the monster Amun and the vampire Archer Rhys, Skye must prove to the army of An Dilis (The Faithful) whose essence is most dominant within her and that she is not a danger to them or society. The Faithful soon discover that she is unlike any vampire ever created before as she struggles to adjust to her new life and the changes that come with it.

Her recent brush with death has made Skye realize that life is precious and she wastes no time telling the one she loves how she feels about him.

But, Amun finds out that someone interfered with Skye's transformation and the intrusion makes him livid. He gives Skye 7 days to come to him or he threatens to begin killing the ones she loves most. Will Skye be able to survive long enough to enjoy her new life now that Amun is hunting her and everyone she loves?

K.S.  Where can we buy your novel?
Right now, the eBooks are available exclusively through Amazon.com.  If you are an Amazon Prime member, you may borrow my books for free.  You can also buy the paperbacks there as well as autographed copies through me at my website www.jlmccoy.com/store.html

K.S.  Do you have a website, fan site, or Blog that we can visit?
Website: www.jlmccoy.com

K.S.  Do you have any closing advice to aspiring writers?

Don't give up. Keep writing. Some people are going to hate your work, but for every 1 person out there who hates it, there will be at least 2 who like it. Don't take criticism of your work to heart.  It's 1 person’s opinion of your work, and does not reflect who you are as a person. Anything worth doing in life will be hard, but it makes the rewards that much sweeter.

"Skye Morrison begged for death.  Fortunately, someone didn't listen.
Skye awakens to discover she has been irrevocably changed and the unprecedented circumstances of her rebirth have now created a new threat to her very existence. Sired by both the monster Amun and the vampire Archer Rhys, Skye must prove to the army of An Dilis (The Faithful) whose essence is most dominant within her and that she is not a danger to them or society.  The Faithful soon discover that she is unlike any vampire ever created before as she struggles to adjust to her new life and the changes that come with it.
Her recent brush with death has made Skye realize that life is precious and she wastes no time telling the one she loves how she feels about him.
But, Amun finds out that someone interfered with Skye's transformation and the intrusion makes him livid.  He gives Skye 7 days to come to him or he threatens to begin killing the ones she loves most. 

Will Skye be able to survive long enough to enjoy her new life now that Amun is hunting her and everyone she loves?

Book Links

Author Information

J. L. McCoy resides in the beautifully weird city of Austin, Texas with her opinionated Pekiweenie Isabel and handsome husband Kenny.  She has always been a passionate reader and enjoys watching movies, traveling, listening to heavy metal/classic rock/80s music, getting mani/pedis with her girls, and singing karaoke.  She loves body art and is hopelessly addicted to Sonic’s ice and Route 44 un-sweet raspberry iced tea. 

Social Media Links

Other Books in the Skye Morrison Series


"[Legacy of Blood] left me breathless and wanting more."  -NarlyNut's Book Lovers and Reviews
"J.L. McCoy takes us on a continued ride of intense, enthralling, page turning fascination."(praise for The Original Sin) -NarlyNut's Book Lovers and Reviews
"And I can't wait to sink my fangs into the next book, to see what the hell is going on with Skye. Once again I give this book Five GOTHIC stars!!!" (praise for The Original Sin) -CYNTHIA SHEPP BOOK REVIEWS & EDITING
"This series floored me! I was sucked in (pun intended) from the very beginning." -Bex 'N' Books


As soon as my head hit my pillow, and I fully relaxed, my eyes began to grow heavy.   All of the excitement I had been through today had taken its toll on me mentally.  I desperately needed to sleep and recharge.  Before I knew it, I was out cold.
Images flashed behind my eyes, interrupting hours of deep, sound sleep as I softly heard someone whispering my name.  Something was pulling at my psyche, demanding entrance, and I finally gave in to the request. 
Amun was standing by large body of water with his back to me.  As soon as I took a step toward him, he whirled around looking surprised but relieved.
“What took you so long?” he demanded, his black eyes taking on anger.  “I’ve been reaching out to you all day.  I could feel you but I didn’t have access to you…I couldn’t access your mind.  Something is interfering.  HOW are you keeping me out?”
“Ha!” I laughed and sneered at the small victory.  “You mean to tell me you can’t just come into my dreams whenever you want to?”
He flashed to me and grabbed me by my throat.  “You drank their blood?!” he raged in my face as he glared back and forth between my now colorless eyes.  “But you are mine!”
“I am no one’s!” I yelled back as I ripped his hand from my neck and pushed him away from me; the action utterly shocking Amun.  “No one owns me!  No one will EVER own me!”
“A piece of my very soul is inside of you,” he growled, quickly recovering.  “You are mine and you will do as I say.  You will come to me this night!  I DEMAND IT!”
I put my hands on my hips and smirked at him.  “Demand away, Amun.  I don’t know what you’re expecting, but I’m not going to just come crawling to whatever hole you’re off hiding in.  You have no control over me.  Get used to it!”
“Oh, I have plenty of control over you,” he sneered evilly as he took another step toward me.  “All those disgusting feelings of love and desire you felt for that Day Walker…Archer?  I put them there.  I made you dream of him, want him, make love to him…  I made you want to stay with him when you were so set on leaving.  I couldn’t very well allow you to leave and ruin all my plans!  But in the end, you betrayed me, Damu.  There will be a heavy price to pay for that.  You were supposed to stay, complete your change and then kill him and all his children.  Instead you drink his blood and pollute yourself?!  You could have been something great, something beautifully fierce and exquisitely savage, but now you are just another common, pathetic Day Walker!”
I felt my eyes flicker black as anger consumed me.  “I’m not your fucking toy, Amun!  If you think you can force me to feel things and do things for you, you have another thing coming.  I’m going to kill you for what you’ve done to me!  As God is my witness, you will DIE by MY hand!”
Amun chuckled as he looked me up and down and then tsked.  “Oh, my sweet Nisiqtu…you are still so headstrong.  I believe I was wrong about you.  You carry my mark in your eyes.  We are not so different after all, you and I.  You may be a Day Walker now, but the potential for greatness is still there.  The possibilities are endless now.  There is so much we can do to them now that you are one of them.  They will never suspect-”
“Fuck you!” I spat as I turned and walked away.  I didn’t have to listen to his bullshit.  He may have pulled me into this dream but, come hell or high water, I was going to walk out of it.
“You have one week to come to me, Skye,” Amun yelled at my back.  “If you do not obey me, I will start killing your friends and family one by one and I’ll start with that fiery girl who shares your home.  I believe I’ll sew her colorful skin into a new hat.”
I whirled around, my eyes wide and fearful.  “You lay one finger on her and I’ll-”

“Silence!” Amun roared angrily, his voice echoing loudly all around me.  “Seven days, Skye.  And you had better be wearing the presents I left for you when you come to me.”

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