When we first meet Natasha, she’s a hard-nosed control freak with unhealthy addictions to coffee, cigarettes, and pretty young men with prices on their...well, let’s say “heads”. When her therapist, Dr. Benson, recommends “Submission Therapy”, she is introduced to the notion of letting go, of releasing control. Master Sweet shows her the mental, physical and emotional benefits of simply submitting to the will of another.

Which brings us to “Immersion Therapy”. This story releases on Friday, November 30th in the US, and it brings out the best and worst of Natasha’s behavior. Her pride wars with her need. With the overload of sensation that Master Sweet has introduced her to, she flails against everything she once knew to be true. Yet she struggles to believe that a man who feels this good can have any kind of permanence in her life.
Katie and I hope you enjoy this series, and we welcome feedback and reviews.
Happy reading!