Immersion Therapy
Accepting Master Sweet’s collar is a frightening commitment for pathological maneater, Natasha. Until recently everything in her life, including sex, had been strictly business; a safe zone that Natasha was quite comfortable with.
Submission Therapy ruined all of that. Her recently uncovered desires have left her feeling raw and needy, unable to trust her own judgment. The order and consistency in her life has been
shattered by these terrifying new found feelings and desires. When even her employees find true love, Natasha’s world feels somehow unreal. Could this thing called ‘love’ be real? And could Master truly feel the same for her?
Now she faces the biggest emotional decision of her life. Will she accept her Master’s collar, and the commitment that it entails? Or should she say goodbye to her Master and forever abandon the hope of a loving relationship with the one man who truly knows her?
Catch up on the previous Therapy sessions before Friday and see how Natasha got herself into this situation!
Submission Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Now she faces the biggest emotional decision of her life. Will she accept her Master’s collar, and the commitment that it entails? Or should she say goodbye to her Master and forever abandon the hope of a loving relationship with the one man who truly knows her?
Catch up on the previous Therapy sessions before Friday and see how Natasha got herself into this situation!
Submission Therapy
Occupational Therapy