About The Author

Katie Salidas is a USA Today bestselling author and RONE award winner known for her unique genre-blending style.

Since 2010 she's penned five bestselling book series: the Immortalis, Olde Town Pack, Little Werewolf, Chronicles of the Uprising, and the all-new Agents of A.S.S.E.T. series. As her not-so-secret alter ego, Rozlyn Sparks, she is a USA Today bestselling author of romance with a naughty side.

In her spare time Katie also produces and hosts a YouTube talk show; Spilling Ink. She also has a regular column on First Comics News where she explores writing from a nerdy perspective.

Author Spotlight with Liz Borino

K.S.  Hello and welcome to the blog. I am very excited to have you here. Why don’t we start off with a small introduction? Tell us a little about yourself. 

My name is Liz Borino. I’m from a small town in Pennsylvania, whose name is more famous than anything which happens there –Bethlehem. I attended Hofstra University and traveled over in Europe. I spent three weeks in Italy, been to Spain, and France, but London, that’s my favorite city in the world. Someday, I’ll live there for at least a year and I’ll see Les Miserables at the West End.

K.S.  Any interesting writing quirks or stories you would like to share with my readers?

I’m a straight woman and two of my main characters, Chris and Aiden, are gay. They’re my favorite couple. They’re love is so beautiful and pure. I love writing about them. On the other hand, I also enjoy writing about brothers. And for the record, those two things are in no way connected. I had a reader request a love scene between Matt and Chris. They’re twins. No.

K.S.  When did you realize you wanted to be a writer? What sparked the desire to pen your first novel?

Books were a huge part of my life growing up. My mom read to me every night, until I started reading myself. Then, for a while we read together. I’m confident in saying I’ve always had stories running through my head. I realized around age ten I went less crazy when I wrote these stories down.

K.S.  What genre do you write?

The Taylor Twins series is classified as Contemporary Romance.

K.S.  What would you say has inspired you most in your writing career? Or, who is your favorite author and why?

Two different answers. Life inspires me in my writing. I’m inspired by my past, present, and dreams for the future. My favorite author is Michael Cunningham. Initially, Aiden was modeled after one off his characters from A Home at the End of the World.

K.S.  What does your family think of your writing?
My family is very proud of my accomplishments. Although, the majority of them would prefer I had less (read: no) sex in my novels.

K.S.  What was one of the most surprising things you learned while creating your book/s?

People actually care about these stories which entertained me. They fall in love with my characters and see the beauty of their relationships. It’s a wonderful feeling as a writer.

K.S.  What inspires you?

Life and music inspire me every day.  I’m very affected by lyrics in music. Especially, I Hope You Dance.

K.S.  Can you tell us a little about any of your novels?

Expectations Blurb: Expectations depicts the struggle between what we desire for ourselves and our familial obligations. The struggle is personified by Chris and Matt Taylor, identical twins, who are trying to win their overbearing father’s approval and acquire their trust funds. Love, money, and desire collide as Matt and Chris decide what’s really important to them.

What Money Can’t Buy blub: What Money Can’t Buy, the sequel to Expectations, finds the two couples, Chris and Aiden and Matt and Carley, eagerly anticipating parenthood. However, their personal struggles continue. Though Matt overcame his dependency on alcohol, new temptations present themselves. And with Carley on bed rest, these temptations put a greater strain on their relationship. Chris continues to deal with issues regarding his father. These issues increase with greater proximity.  When tragedy strikes, the best and worst in everyone is revealed. Can they stick together, or will their reactions tear them apart?

K.S.  Where can we buy your novel?
Expectations: Amazon Barnes and Noble
What Money Can’t Buy: Amazon Barnes and Noble

K.S.  Do you have a website, fan site, or Blog that we can visit?

K.S.  Do you have any closing advice to aspiring writers?

Yes. Listen to your editors, but trust yourself and your story.