K.S. - Hello and welcome to the blog. I am very excited to have you here. Why don’t
Bryan - we start off with a small introduction? Tell us a little about yourself.
My name is Bryan Cassiday. I write thrillers.
K.S. - Any interesting writing quirks or stories you would like to share with my readers?
Bryan - If I told you, I would have to kill you.
K.S. - When did you realize you wanted to be a writer? What sparked the desire to pen your first novel?
Bryan - When I read James Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man I thought he was writing about me when he was describing Stephen Dedalus. Also, my twelfth-grade English teacher once remarked that one of my short stories that I wrote for his class was “Hemingwayish in style.” This appealed to me. I’ve always liked Hemingway’s works.
K.S. - What genre do you write?
Bryan - I write thrillers. I also write horror stories, which contain vampires on occasion.
K.S. - What would you say has inspired you most in your writing career? Or, who is your favorite author and why?
Bryan - Again, I would have to say James Joyce and Ernest Hemingway. But I like a lot of writers, including, Poe, Stendhal, and Balzac. I like thriller writers, such as, Graham Greene, Jack Higgins, Frederick Forsyth, and Robert Ludlum.
K.S. What does your family think of your writing?
Bryan - My mother, sister, and brother-in-law like my books.
K.S. - What was one of the most surprising things you learned while creating your book?
Bryan - That I could do it. That my mind took me to places I could only dream of.
K.S. - What inspired you to write your novel?
Bryan - I like CIA thrillers. I decided to write my own. I wrote Fete of Death. I also like horror stories, so I wrote Blood Moon: Thrillers and Tales of Terror. It contains a collection of my short thrillers, including, suspense, horror, mystery, vampire, and noir thrillers.
K.S. - Can you tell us a little about your novel?
Bryan -
Blood Moon is a collection of my stories from the dark side. Vampires, serial killers, psychopathic murderers, and hit men populate these suspenseful spine-tingling tales.

Fete of Death is an action spy thriller about a CIA hit man with a death wish who investigates the brutal murder of a US Senator in Los Angeles and becomes embroiled in a government cover-up and conspiracy with its roots in Washington, DC.
K.S. Where can we find your novel?
Bryan - Both Fete of Death and Blood Moon are available at Amazon. I also write movie and book reviews available for reading on Amazon.
K.S. - Do you have a website, fan site, or Blog that we can visit?
Bryan - Yes. My web site is at www.BryanCassiday.com. I am also on Facebook and MySpace.
K.S. - Do you have any closing advice to aspiring writers?
Bryan - Joseph Conrad, another writer I admire, once said that it’s always darkest before the dawn. Who can forget the rich, lustrous architecture of his prose, so rhythmic and all but poetic at times, in Nostromo and Heart of Darkness? Through the alchemy of his art, he constructs cathedrals out of words that, above all, allow you to see. That was the admitted goal of his writing: to make you see.