K.S. - Hello and welcome to the blog. I am very excited to have you here. Why don’t we start off with a small introduction? Tell us a little about yourself.
Kolina - My name is Kolina Topel. I am a fantasy/fiction writer and have just published my first book, Royal Blood. I am working on my second novel now which will be loosely based on, and dedicated, to a dear friend that was killed in the OIF/OEF war. I am a mother of two beautiful children, a 4 year old boy and a 7 year old girl. I am currently attending school for my nursing degree and have a strong passion for medicine.
K.S.- Any interesting writing quirks or stories you would like to share with my readers?
Kolina - Many of the names in the book have hidden meanings. Alex, one of the main characters, shares my sons middle name. Christina’s step-sisters names are my actual step-sisters middle names, and Nebula’s name means “dark-mist” which ties into her gift. So each persons name in the book has some meaning tied into my life or is related to their powers.
K.S. - When did you realize you wanted to be a writer? What sparked the desire to pen your first novel?
Kolina - I have been a writer for years, but most of my works were poetry. I had always wanted to write a full story but I both never had the time, and was terrified at how extensive the process was. It was Christmas of 2008 when I was inspired, after reading the Twilight Saga four times in a row, that I decided the ideas that were swimming around in my head were too strong to ignore. Three months later I had the bulk of the book down.
K.S. - What genre do you write?
Kolina - I have found that I’m much more attracted to the urban fantasy genre. I like a book that doesn’t have the “typical ending.” Most stories end with all of the good guys alive and each character finding their soul mate, but I think that changing that up makes a book sometimes more risqué and possibly more memorable.
K.S. - What would you say has inspired you most in your writing career?
Kolina - My absolute largest inspiration is my children. I get to act like a kid every single day when I am with them and that makes slipping into my own world and books that much easier. The stresses of everyday life seem to be the true driving force behind my desire to write though. When life seems like it’s too much and I’ve had a long day I get to sit back and escape into a completely different reality.
K.S. - What does your family think of your writing?
Kolina - My family is very proud and supportive of my writing. It’s not much of a shock to them because they know that I have always had a passion for words and expressing myself through them.
K.S. - What was one of the most surprising things you learned while creating your book?
Kolina - The most surprising part for me with writing my book was how hard actually finishing it was. When I had the main part of the plot and the bulk of the book down the hardest part for me was filling the in last little holes and tying it all together. That could be the fear of submitting it before it’s done too, but I think all authors go through that! lol
K.S. - Can you tell us a little about your novel?
When you discover that everything you thought you knew was a lie told by the people you trusted the most, how far do you go to find out the truth? When others will stop at nothing to keep you from what was born in your blood, do you fight for it? Christina is about to enter a world she never knew existed, and find out things about herself that she never thought possible. With Alex by her side she goes to Sangre Real to discover the truth about her past, present, and possibly her future. She is about to make the most difficult choice in her already complicated life. Walk away from the world she was born to lead, or answer the call that is ever present in her blood. But at what cost? Who will she lose? Who will betray her? Will Alex stand by her side when he discovers what she truly is? The answers may surprise you.
K.S. - Where can we find your novel?
Kolina - The book is online right now on most bookstores: Amazon (kindle version available), Barnes and Noble, Books a Million, etc.
K.S. - Do you have a website, fan site, or Blog that we can visit?
Kolina I have all of the above. My website is www.kolinatopel.com
Facebook fansite is www.facebook.com/Kolinat
Myspace fanpage is where I blog and that site is
Last but not least is www.booksie.com/Christinadelano.
Here you can preview the first chapters of both of my stories and read some of my old poetry.
Also I have a contest going on right now for my next book. Here is the link and what it is about.
K.S. Do you have any closing advice to aspiring writers?
Kolina My advice would have to be never stop and never doubt yourself. When I finished my first book I was unsure about publishing the book because it was a short story, but the best advice I ever got was when you finish writing the story, it’s done, whether it is 20,000 words or 100,000. Your work is original and beautiful. So share it with the world. You never know whose life it may touch.
Kolina has made available two free copies of her book Royal Blood!
All you have to do is leave a comment, indicating you want to enter, and your email address.
Only one entry per person.
Kolina will pick two lucky winners (at random) from the comment section.
If you do not wish to leave an email address, please make sure you are signed in to your blogger profile so we have some way to contact you.)
Winner will be announced no later than Monday February 22nd.
Good Luck!